Thursday, September 28, 2006

I went to see my nephew today, a tinny one month and a half old baby. He was born the same day I came back to Mexic. Needless to say it came earlier to this world just out of joy to hear the news of my return. He, however, got ahead and was born on he´s eighth month of existence; so the little thing weighted just 2,5 K (55 pounds). Now he´s ok and very busy trying to catch up with the other babies.
The good thing about all this is that I realized that I like babies...

I don´t know why, but my last post wasn´t published. I´m being hacked, or censored by aliens...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The big new is: I GOT NEW SHOES!!!

But before anyone thinks I´m some kind of hysterical bimbo, you need to see the pic.

The interesting thing about buying new shoes is the reason that might push the buyer to pick that particular pair. For some people it may be a triviality, but for some of us (I´m sure I´m not alone on this) it´s as serious as getting a pet.
First thing you need to ask yourself is "why do I want these shoes for?", if the answer is something like "because I don´t want to walk on my bare feet" then forget about this post. But if you know what it lays deeper into that question, then you´ll understand me..., ok, I´m probably not making any sense, so I´ll try to be clearer. I got rock climbing shoes, and I have never climbed in my life before (ok, maybe one time). They were freaking expensive, but I love them. I tried them on today at the university gym´s wall, known as El Puma, and I felt like when I was 8 and used to get inside the house climbing up the tree next to my parent´s window.

I wonder where will these shoes take me...

Monday, September 25, 2006

I´m feeling blue, like my Mojo is gone, damn it!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I discovered something today, something truly meaningful.
According to Freud, before we create an individual self, we are one with our mother. The feeding baby feels himself one with the niple: "Ich bin die brust", "I am this breast". The rest is the hostile world, the otherness. At this point the individual starts to develop.
So, what we can deduce from here is simple: the bigger the breast, the bigger individuality would be. Follow this line and you´ll understand the individualist crisis in western cities.

Please, laugh or ignore, don´t take it bad.

I think I´m getting into shallow sh*t. I need to learn how to use Final Cut Pro by wednesday...
However, the reward could be great: fame, glory and lots of brownie points.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Luxury in Mexico it´s way more expensive than in the States, example: 250 Gb hard drive in USA = $150 (1600 pesos), in Mexico City = $280 (2900 pesos).
So, considering this difference I conclude that going out clubbing in this city is stupid. I think of going to one of those loud and expensive places as having a hummer in Seoul, it´s something you just don´t need. Having a car in Seoul is already something questionable when you see the great mass-transit system; so if you add to that the fact that a hummer can crumble a coulumn easier than it can avoid it while parking, then you can see why some things are just not good out of their context.
Anyway, I have to go out clubbing at least once a year if I´m living in Mexico, but it´s always something I endure, not enjoy.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I´m done with my new job!, which doesn´t mean I quit, I got to the end of it. I´m glad I can say that, I wouldn´t like to be in one of those "steady" jobs, that doesn´t seem to be my line of work.
By the way, I´m marking high school exams and it´s not very stimulating. Some people is just crazy; this guy wanted me to believe that northern people are smarter because they consume this OMEGA 3 thing, available on fish and on his store!
I made up this last one... about the store, not about the OMEGA 3.
Anyway, I did learn something, education is KEY. So I better try to catch up with it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What has become of me?

I used to be a hip traveler wlaking around the world and now, I spend hours playing board games, surfing the net, correcting high school essays... it seems like I´m settling down a bit. Perhaps it´s time for me to get married, grow a bely, find a decent job... yeah, right!, after I try to go around the world once again.

In the meantime, I can´t complaint, thought I could share...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Finally!, Party!

After a month back in this city, yesterday finally someone threw a nice party. I tasted the burning kiss of the tequila again and danced badly but with rythm and joy. It was a good old mexican "desmadre": a living room filled with dancers bumping against each other, lots of beer and tequilia, some old lover´s melodrams... it was my second welcome to this country.
This is why I like it here.

Monday, September 04, 2006

As all the inhabitants of this city, I had forgotten it used to be a lake. But wiser and evil as nature might be, today I got a reminder of this mega-polis remote past and its posible future.
It rained and it rained, it was storming out in the gray deep street. Rained, rained, rained and rained some more, two hours non-stop and I had only traveled 1 mile or so.
I got scared and started to consider the idea of getting in some theatre to watch a movie while rain stoped. It was brilliant, but I was still trapped in the traffic and had to sail my way to the nearest mall. I couldn´t. It keept on raining and Tlaloc wouldn´t let me go, so I decided to make a slow stop to the nearest worshipping place around. So I ended in Wallmart.
I got me some supplies and prepare myself mentally to spend the night inside my car, but Tlaloc was angry and demanded attention.
Three hours later I was 3 miles away from where I first started the engine and before me was an instant lake, just between me and the off-ramp that takes me home. A few meters ahead there was also three cars half sink in the lake. So I had to take a desition, either try to go on reverse back to the high-speed lane, or go for it and attempt to cross the lake on my modest Nissan...