Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I´m preparing myself for the university test that grants entrance to all Political Science´s degrees, in which i have to answer: 30 math questions, 10 of biology, 10 physics, 10 chemistry... and some other 60 from secondary subjects, such as history, grammar and other nonsense fields. Is it me or there is something weird, shouldn´t someone studying any Political Science know more about Humanities than about Pure Hard-Core Science? I might be wrong about the test; I hope I´m wrong.

Other than that, my super-model friend decided to do something she usually does but for charity this time. But she´s not going to catwalk (I hope) for it, or anything like that; she´s going to marry a chinese for the passport.
I wish you the best of lucks on that, cause I´m next!


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