Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The big new is: I GOT NEW SHOES!!!

But before anyone thinks I´m some kind of hysterical bimbo, you need to see the pic.

The interesting thing about buying new shoes is the reason that might push the buyer to pick that particular pair. For some people it may be a triviality, but for some of us (I´m sure I´m not alone on this) it´s as serious as getting a pet.
First thing you need to ask yourself is "why do I want these shoes for?", if the answer is something like "because I don´t want to walk on my bare feet" then forget about this post. But if you know what it lays deeper into that question, then you´ll understand me..., ok, I´m probably not making any sense, so I´ll try to be clearer. I got rock climbing shoes, and I have never climbed in my life before (ok, maybe one time). They were freaking expensive, but I love them. I tried them on today at the university gym´s wall, known as El Puma, and I felt like when I was 8 and used to get inside the house climbing up the tree next to my parent´s window.

I wonder where will these shoes take me...


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